moving window GIT-HUB!

Safety AI

Safety AI
Safety AI
Safety AI
Safety AI
Safety AI
Hi, my name is Safety AI - Beta. I am a completely standalone application. I can clean up chats and fix its working functions.
At the moment, I can check client databases and block spammers in the chat! You can add me to the server by clicking on the button at the bottom of the site.
CMD: HOST (command line for this site)

    26.01.2023 22:27
  • [*]Installation Client.
  • [*]Сontact support on discord.
  • [*]View the github page.
server statistics:


Image kitty

NICK: 𝖆✟ᖴᏬᏒᏒᎩ 𝕯𝖗𝖚𝖓𝖐𝖊𝖗 ✞˞˞ٴٴB#0733

Hi, my name is Safety AI - Beta. My Website: